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Candidate for Georgia's 14th Congressional District

Joseph  Leigh for Congress 2024

On the Issues

Economy, Taxes, and Inflation The goal of our economic policy should be simple: every hardworking American deserves the opportunity for a decent and stable life. Yet, the reality is that many find themselves in a challenging cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, a situation exacerbated by rising inflation. Our approach to tackling this issue needs to be multifaceted and effective. Boosting Productivity and Tax Reforms: A key step is to enhance the nation’s productivity. The current federal tax burden, along with state and local taxes, weighs heavily on individuals and businesses alike. Drawing inspiration from President Kennedy’s successful tax cuts and reforms, which led to increased personal incomes, higher consumption, and boosted tax revenues, I believe a similar approach can yield significant benefits today. Sensible tax reforms can stimulate economic growth while ensuring fairness. Proposed Measures for Economic Growth: To further support our economy and alleviate the burden on families and small businesses, I advocate for the following measures: •Raising the Minimum Wage: Increasing the minimum wage to $15 is a step towards ensuring a living wage for all workers, helping to reduce poverty and stimulate consumer spending. •Expanding Access to Free Childcare: By providing free childcare, we can alleviate a significant financial burden on working families, enabling more parents, especially mothers, to participate in the workforce. •Easing Regulations for Small Businesses: Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Cutting excessive red tape will encourage entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic resilience. •Securing Our Borders: Effective border management is crucial for economic stability. It impacts various sectors, from labor markets to national security. By implementing these measures, we can create an economic environment where growth, stability, and opportunity are accessible to all Americans.

National Security Our experience in the Second World War taught us the dangers of appeasement: it emboldens aggressors and escalates conflicts. This historical lesson shapes my stance on international relations, particularly in supporting freedom everywhere in the world. When the sovereignty of our allies is under threat or when civilians are targeted by terrorists, it isn't just an issue for those countries – it directly impacts our national security as well. Addressing the Challenge of China: Looking ahead, it's clear that China represents our most significant global challenge, both economically and militarily. Avoiding conflict with China aligns with the interests of both nations, and diplomatic efforts to maintain peace are crucial. However, peace and preparedness are not mutually exclusive. We must be vigilant and ready to respond to various scenarios, especially given China's ambitions regarding Taiwan. Our strategy should balance diplomatic engagement with robust preparedness to protect our interests and those of our allies. Our national security policy must be guided by a clear understanding of historical lessons, a commitment to supporting our allies, and a strategic approach to emerging global challenges. This involves a combination of diplomatic efforts and strong defense capabilities, ensuring that the United States remains a resilient and influential global leader.

Border Security and Immigration We have a security and humanitarian crisis on our southern border. For too long, the issue has been mired in political blame games in Washington, with little substantial action being taken. It's important to recognize that while the administration can and should do more, real change depends on the laws enacted by Congress. It's time for us to move beyond partisan divides and address this critical issue together starting with the following: •Strengthening Border Security: We must take decisive steps to prevent illegal immigration, ensuring that our border is secure and managed effectively. This involves not just physical measures but also technological and personnel resources to monitor and protect the border effectively. •Enhancing Lawful Immigration: Our focus should also be on creating more avenues for lawful immigration. This means reforming our immigration system to make it more accessible, fair, and efficient, allowing those who wish to contribute positively to our society to do so legally and with dignity. •Disrupting Illegal Cartel Activities: The control exerted by cartels on our southern border poses a significant threat. We need to dismantle their influence and operations through coordinated efforts, involving both border security and international cooperation, to restore safety and order. Together, these steps form a comprehensive approach to reforming our immigration system, enhancing border security, and upholding our values as a nation of laws and as a land of opportunity.

Health and General Welfare The commitment to Social Security and Medicare is a cornerstone of our nation's promise to its citizens. These programs represent more than just benefits; they are a testament to our dedication to the general welfare and well-being of all Americans, particularly our seniors and those in need. It is imperative that we uphold and strengthen these vital social safety nets. Ensuring Healthcare for All: In addition to safeguarding Social Security and Medicare, I am a strong advocate for making quality healthcare accessible and affordable for every American. Healthcare should be “a matter of right, not a privilege.” This commitment to the well-being of all Americans is fundamental to the strength and prosperity of the entire nation.

Second Amendment My commitment to upholding the Constitution extends to all its amendments, including the Second Amendment. I firmly believe in the right of every American to self-defense, a principle that is foundational to our nation's values. Balancing Rights with Responsibility: While advocating for the right to bear arms, I also recognize the critical need to ensure public safety. It is essential that we implement effective measures to prevent firearms from falling into the hands of violent criminals. This dual approach respects our constitutional rights while addressing the crucial responsibility we have to safeguard our communities. I believe we can and we must preserve our freedoms and protect our citizens.

Education Education is widely acknowledged as a transformative force, capable of addressing numerous challenges our nation faces. I wholeheartedly endorse this view. A strong educational foundation is essential for the future success of our children and our country. Investing in K-12 Education: The first step is ensuring that our primary and secondary schools are well-equipped. This means providing them with the necessary resources to offer a high-quality education that prepares students for the complexities of the modern world. A well-resourced school system is the backbone of a thriving society. Making Higher Education More Accessible: In parallel, it is crucial to address the affordability of higher education. This includes not only four-year universities but also community and technical colleges, which are vital for many high school graduates seeking practical and specialized skills. We need to work towards a system where higher education is accessible to all, regardless of their financial background. Making college more affordable is not just an investment in individual students; it’s an investment in our nation’s future. My commitment to education is focused on ensuring that every level of our education system, from kindergarten through college, is robust, well-supported, and accessible to all. By investing in education, we invest in the future of our country.

Mental Health & Drug Addiction The United States is confronting a critical mental health crisis. This issue is personal to me, as my family, like so many others across the country, has been deeply affected by the challenges of alcohol and drug addiction. The current approach, often termed the War on Drugs, has proven to be ineffective in addressing the root causes of addiction. Rethinking Our Approach to Addiction: It's clear that addiction should be treated as a medical issue, not solely a criminal one. Those struggling with addiction need compassionate, professional medical care, rather than incarceration alongside violent offenders. This shift in perspective is vital in developing more effective strategies for dealing with drug addiction and its associated mental health issues. In summary, my vision for addressing the mental health and drug addiction crisis involves a compassionate, healthcare-focused approach. By treating addiction as a health issue, we can provide more effective support and treatment to those in need, ultimately leading to better outcomes for individuals, families, and our communities. This will also lead to citizens who are able to once again contribute to society by working and providing for their loved ones.

Disclosure and Transparency •Full Release of JFK Assassination Records: I strongly advocate for the complete disclosure of all records pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, as mandated by the President John F Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. Despite the stipulation for these documents to be made public by October 26, 1992, many records remain undisclosed. The American people deserve full transparency regarding one of the most tragic events in American history. •UFO Disclosure - The American people deserve to know the full truth regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena. Moreover, it is vital to protect and encourage whistleblowers who wish to come forward and tell their story. For decades, we have not been told the truth on this issue while billions of our tax dollars have funded various UAP projects.

Abortion We all want a society where the number of abortions is kept at an absolute minimum, however, we are not there yet. Until such time, what should our national abortion policy be? I believe that in all cases of rape, incest, and when the health or life of the mother is in jeopardy, women should have the right to choose for themselves whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. I would support federal legislation to ensure this right is guaranteed for women nationwide.

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